Hot Bean Dish

This hot bean dish is perfect with outdoor grilled steaks or hamburgers and is best when made a day or two in advance, refrigerated to let the flavors mingle. Karin Swain of Phoenix gave me the recipe. I call 'em Karin Swain's Beans.
4 pieces bacon, fried (not crisp)
1 medium onion, chopped
1 green pepper, chopped
3/4 bottle chili sauce
1/2 c. brown sugar
(green chilies, if preferred)
1 can red kidney beans
1 can French cut green beans
1 can pork and beans
1 can pinto beans

Fry bacon and tear into pieces.
Sauté chopped onion, green pepper and/or chilies in bacon fat.
Stir in brown sugar and chili sauce.
Drain kidney beans, French cut green beans and pinto beans, add pork and beans.
Combine all ingredients and simmer gently until flavors mingle.
Refrigerate and reheat as needed.
With this recipe, you can do your own thing - add, subtract, make it as you wish.
