Chocolate Cake

Another recipe with vague instructions.
2 c. sugar
2 c. flour
1 stick margarine
1/2 c. Wesson oil
4 T. cocoa
1 c. hot water
1/2 c. sour milk
2 eggs, beaten
1 t. soda (ED: I assume this is baking soda)
1 T. vanilla

Sift flour and sugar into mixer.
Put margarine, oil, cocoa, and water into a saucepan and bring to rapid boil.
(ED: Not sure when you put the dry ingredients in, but this looks like the logical point.)
Mix well.
Add sour milk, eggs, soda and vanilla.
(ED: I would probably mix the liquid stuff together first, and wait until the other stuff is cooled some before you add this to it.)
Grease 2 pans and line with greased wax paper. Or will fit square Pyrex nicely; 8 x 8 one layer.
Bake at 350° for 35 to 40 minutes.
Better the second day and will keep over a week, nice and moist.
