Uncle Dave's Toffee Bits

2 cups sugar
2 cups butter
1 or 2 cups almonds chopped very finely (optional*)
1/2 cup almonds chopped coarsely for topping (optional)**
8 milk chocolate bars (optional)**

Over medium-high heat, melt butter.
Add sugar and chopped almonds*.
Use a candy thermometer to heat to 300° (hard crack).
Quickly spread as thinly as possible on a pre-greased baking sheet.
The thinner, the better.
Allow to cool, then smash it up into 1/8" bits or at least as small as you can without turning it into toffee dust.
Store in 5 oz. portions in a cool, dry place.

*1 cup of nuts for using with Husky Treats; 2 cups to make "real" toffee.
**If you are making "real" toffee: after the toffee has cooled, melt chocolate bars on the top and sprinkle 1/2 cup chopped nuts over the melted chocolate before it cools.

Makes about 6 4-oz portions